Hey y'all! Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone is doing good & was able to catch a glimpse of that amazing eclipse yesterday (in person or on tv) - It was pretty spectacular!! I'm already looking forward to it swinging around again in 7 years - I think we'll need to take a little camping trip somewhere along the path. :)
Are y'all ready for this?
I don't think you are. haha
The time has come to share more from this adorable 6 month session I shot a few weeks ago. Sweet little Henry is one of the most smiley babes ever! I guarantee his bright eyes & this perfect family farm setting will bring a big ol smile to your face too! I don't really have much else to say - except that one of my favorite images ever is at the very end of this post, so just keep scrolling.
Look y'all...one hand!
Time to let the horses out.
So glad we got to bring all of your fun ideas to life Derick & Emily! I loved every minute of this fun session & I can't wait for whatever fun we'll be having for his 1st Birthday Session this winter. :)